So far, the agency has taken a cautious approach — one that Google, in particular, says will stymie the technology.The DMV said cars must have a steering wheel in case onboard computers or sensors — including radar, lasers and cameras — fail.The agency now must write regulations on how to move from testing to public use, publishing its draft in December.Google has concluded that human error is the biggest risk in driving, and the company wants to remove the steering wheel and pedals from cars, giving people minimal ability to take over. Those collisions have been minor, and Google says each has been caused by other drivers.

The DMV has been overseeing prototype testing on California roads for more than a year. Companies that are developing self-driving cars of the future want government regulators to clear the road for public access to the technology, once it emerges from current prototype testing. A licensed driver would need to sit in the driver’s seat, ready to seize control in an emergency..On Thursday, DMV officials in Sacramento will hear from advocates and sceptics with strong opinions about precedent-setting draft regulations the agency released last month.

Tripura220 Mizoram100 Arunachal Pradesh110 Technology Self-driving cars to go public in US AP Published: Jan 30, 2016, 12:23 am IST Updated: Jan 30, 2016, 12:23 am IST Companies that are developing self-driving cars of the future want government regulators to clear the road for public access to the technology, once it emerges from current prototype testing. Those regulations will govern the cars’ eventual rollout to residents. Google has suggested a model could be ready for limited use sooner than the public realises.California’s department of motor vehicles is wrestling with how to keep the public safe as an imperfect technology matures — but not regulate so heavily that the agency stifles development of vehicles with potentially huge safety benefits.Though neither Google nor traditional automakers have said they think the cars are ready Material Handling Equipment Parts Manufacturers yet, at least a dozen companies are developing the technology

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